[Review] Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION

Reseña del whisky
Reseña del whisky
Kanosuke Distillery

This is the fifth single malt Japanese whisky from the Kanosuke Distillery.

Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION is made with peated malt and distilled in 2018-2019. Multiple barrels were vatted for the key malt bourbon barrel-aged sake.

This Japanese whisky was bottled at cask strength.


The price is 14,300 yen including tax, slightly higher than the 13,750 yen for the 2022 LIMITED EDITION released last year. The packaging and label are a chic black design.


1. Manufacturer

Kanosuke Komasa Distillery Co.

Established August 2021
Head office location 845-3 Kaminokawa, Hiyoshi-cho, Hioki-shi, Kagoshima 899-2421
Owned distillery Kanosuke Distillery

2. Distillery

Kanosuke distillery

Location 845-3, Kaminokawa, Hiyoshi-cho, Hioki-shi, Kagoshima 899-2421
Start of operation 2017

The Kanosuke Distillery stands on a site of about 9,000㎡ along Fukiage beach on the west coast of Kagoshima Prefecture.
The U-shaped, two-story main building houses not only the distilling facilities but also a BAR with a great view and a store selling original goods.
The main feature of the distillery is that it is equipped with three pot stills (large, medium, and small). Each has a capacity of 6,000 liters, 3,000 liters, and 1,600 liters, respectively.
Craft distilleries (small distilleries) around the world generally have two stills. whisky is usually distilled twice, and by using pot stills with different shapes of necks and angles of line arms at the top during the second distillation (redistillation), the aroma and flavor of the original whisky can be changed more richly.
Fukiage beach, where the distillery is located, is one of the «Three Great Sand Dunes of Japan» and has been selected as one of the «100 Best Sandy Beaches in Japan. The beach stretches about 47 km from north to south, and strong winds blow in from the sea. It is hot in the summer and cold in the winter, with temperatures near zero degrees Celsius, and snow flurries are not uncommon.


For more information on the Kanosuke Distillery, see also this article.

メーカー(蒸留所) 嘉之助蒸溜所 | ジャパニーズウイスキ...

3. product name and photo

Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION
Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION


4. characteristics

Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION is mainly made with peat malt and aged in bourbon casks in 2018-2019, vatted and bottled at cask strength in multiple casks, including shochu rechar casks.
Enjoy the mellow sweetness and long-lasting smoky flavor.


COLOR: Deep yellow amber
NOSE: Banana, custard cream, Nikki candy, and Iburi Goko
TASTE: Salted caramel, black tea, yatsuhashi(Japanese sweets), blood orange
FINISH: Summer tangerine, kasho (Chinese pepper), and lingering aroma of bonfire.


Reference: Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION|Kanosuke Distillery

4-1. Tasting notes

Aroma Smoked aroma at the top, followed by mellow aroma of ripe fruits.
Taste Smooth, with the elegant sweetness of red bean paste and candy cane, and smoked nuts.
Aftertaste Woody, roasted and smoky aftertaste

4-2. Product Specifications

Alcohol Content 59% alcohol by volume
By Alcohol Single Malt Japanese whisky
Cask type Bourbon casks, shochu rechar casks, etc.
Content volume 700ml
Number of bottles sold Limited quantity
Suggested retail price 14,300 yen (tax included)
Release date June 14, 2023

5. Awards

No awards received at this time.

6. Price

6-1. Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price

Product name Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION
Capacity 700ml
Suggested retail price 14,300 yen (including tax)

6-2. Resale price on Mercari

Resale prices on Mercari range from 15,500 yen to 23,000 yen. (*As of 6/14/2023)

6-3. Yahoo Auction Sold Price

Currently, no listings could be confirmed on Yahoo! Auctions. (*As of 6/14/2023)

6-4. Rakuten, Yahoo Shopping, Amazon

We could not confirm any sales at mail-order sites at present. (*As of 6/14/2023)

6-5. Price offered at BAR Shinkai

At «BAR Shinkai» operated by this site, one glass is offered at 45ml: 4,290 yen, 30ml: 2,860 yen, and 15ml: 1,430 yen.

Japanese Whisky Dictionaryが運営する「BAR新海」は、東京都港区に3店舗。当サイトで紹介しているジャパニーズウィスキーをはじめ、国産のジンやビールなども取扱い。オリジナルカクテル、フレッシュフルーツカクテルなども人...

7. Summary

The limited editions released up until now have been non-pitted, but the use of peated malt as the key malt in the current release has given the impression of a more complex, mellow sweetness.
The moment you smell the aroma, the smokiness comes over you. As it is poured into the glass, it softens over time, and an elegant sweet aroma can be picked up. The mouthfeel is round and not as smoky as the aroma, but there is a lingering roasted and smoky aroma that gradually appears in the finish, making for a very pleasant finish. The mellow Kanosuke character is inherited, but with a sweetness that is close to Highland and a peatiness that does not reach the level of Islay, it gives the impression of being exquisitely balanced.

Please take a look at our other articles on Kanosuke.

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Ryuhei Oishi

Camarero del bar Shinkai Toranomon, nacido en Hokkaido.
Trabajó en un restaurante de Tokio y obtuvo el título de sumiller en la Asociación Japonesa de Sumilleres.
Se interesó por el whisky japonés, del que tenía pocos conocimientos, y empezó a trabajar en el bar Shinkai. Se unió a JWD para visitar destilerías, hablar con la gente que hace el whisky y transmitir su pasión e información como barman.

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