[Review]Akkeshi Single Malt Japanese Whisky Hakuro

Reseña del whisky
Reseña del whisky
Akkeshi Distillery

Akkeshi Single Malt Japanese Whisky «Hakuro». Features, price, and how to buy.

Akkeshi Single Malt Japanese Whisky «Hakuro» , the 12th in the Akkeshi Whisky «Twenty-Four solar terms Series» has been This release comes about three months after the This release comes about three months after the

This release comes about three months after the blended whisky « Shoman «.

  Release Date Name of the Twenty-Four solar terms
The first release October 28, 2020 Kanro: around October 8
The second release February 28, 2021 Usui: around February 19
The third release May 28, 2021 Boshu: around June 6
The fourth release Late August, 2021 Shosho: around August 23
The fifth release Late November 2021 Ritto: around November 7
The sixth release Late February 2022 Daikan: around January 20
The seventh release Late May, 2022 Seimei: around April 5
The eighth release Late August, 2022 Taisho: around July 23
The ninth release Early December 2022 Taisetsu: around December 7
The tenth release Late February 2023 Keichitsu: around March 6
The eleventh release Late May, 2023 Shoman: around May 21

Thetwelfth release

Early September,2023 Hakuro:around September 9

The plan was to release single malt and blended whiskies alternately in this Twenty-Four solar terms, alternating between single malt and blended, but after two single malt releases, «Taisetsu» and «Keichitsu», the last release was a blended «Shoman», and this time is a single malt release .

Hakuro» is the 15th of the 24 solar terms and the third of the 24 seasonal terms, representing the fall season. Although it is still hot during the day, the mornings and evenings bring the first hints of autumn, and autumnal delicacies such as saury and grapes are in season.



1. Manufacturer

Kenten Jitsugyo Co.

Established 1982
Head Office Imperial Hotel Tokyo, 1-1-1 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0011, Japan
Owned distilleries Akkeshi Distillery

2. Distillery

Akkeishi Distillery

Location 109-2, Miyazono 4-chome, Akkeshi-cho, Akkeshi-gun, Hokkaido 088-1124, Japan
Start of operation October, 2016

2015 Started construction of distillery
2016 October distillation begins
2017 Completion of second maturing warehouse
2018 February: First product release as Akkeshi distillery. The 3rd maturation warehouse was completed.
2020 February First single malt whisky «Sarorun Kamui» is released.
april Completion of the 4th maturation warehouse.
october: Released the first single malt whisky in the 24 Season series, «Single Malt Kanro».

2021 New milling building is constructed (operation starts in 2022).
April 2023: Completion of the No. 5 Mature Warehouse.

The concept is «whisky with a flavor unique to Akkeshi, while inheriting the traditional Scottish process.

Deep fog with tidal air, clear air, and abundant peat. We believe that the climate of Akkeshi in Hokkaido will create the unknown flavor of Japanese whisky that we are looking for, and started distillation in 2016.
We will continue to hone our skills here in order to make the most of the «terroir» of Hokkaido and the land of Akkeshi in our whisky production, and at the same time, we will continue to work more deeply with the people and nature of the land. Barley and Quercus crispula grown in the land of Hokkaido, the beautiful water of Akkeshi, and peat containing abundant minerals. Our wish is to make everything from Hokkaido and deliver to the world a Japanese whisky that cannot be found anywhere else.
Reference: Blender’s Attention (Akkeshi Distillery )

With a strong desire to «make whisky like Islay malt using the traditional Scottish process,» the facilities are made by Forsyth in Scotland. All construction was carried out by Forsyth craftsmen visiting Japan. The pot stills are straight-headed and onion-shaped, similar to those at some distilleries on Islay. Heating is by radiator system (indirect heating), and the attached condenser is of shell-and-tube type and the mash tun is of semi-reuter type.
The fermentation tanks (washback) are all made of stainless steel, and the temperature is purposely not adjustable. The craftsman determines the timing of fermentation while letting nature take its course.

Currently, there are 5 aging rooms from the first to the fifth. The first is a dunnage type, and the second (next to the filling building) is currently used to store products prior to shipment. The third to fifth maturing warehouses are rack type, and are located on a hilltop overlooking Akkeishi Bay, where «sea fog» with the scent of the sea envelops the entire town of Akkeshi and deepens the maturation of the malt, which is expected to have a positive effect on the characteristics of the whisky.

In addition to bourbon and sherry, hard-to-find » mizunara» oak is used as a maturing cask. Furthermore, we are challenging every possibility, such as matching with wine and rum casks.
In addition, barley, the raw material for whisky, is grown in Akkeshi, and everything, including the peat and wooden casks used for aging, is produced in Akkeshi. As a new initiative, in August 2021, the distillery began experimentally maturing the distilled spirit at the Akkeshi distillery in Furano. What kind of changes will be brought about by the sake matured in Furano? This is exactly what terroir is all about, taking advantage of the great individuality of «Hokkaido» as well as the locality of Akkeshi. The idea of «terroir», which wine connoisseurs have probably heard a lot about, is incorporated into whisky, and the fusion of «the individuality of Akkeshi» and «the individuality of Hokkaido» and the whiskey production utilizing the terroir of these lands is fascinating and the expectations are unlimited.

Lake Akkeshi and Bekanbeushi Wetlands in the vicinity of Akkeshi Town are registered wetlands under the Ramsar Convention. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, adopted in Ramsar, Iran, on February 2, 1971, aims to conserve and make wise use of wetlands as habitats for waterfowl and other wildlife under international cooperation.
Our company aims to be a distillery that protects and coexists with this rich natural environment.
The tap water used for whisky is taken from the Homakai River upstream of the Ohoro River, which runs near the distillery. The surrounding area is a marshland and a habitat for «baikamo» ducks, which are said to live only in clear water. The small white flowers that bloom in summer are a symbol of the abundant water. This water nurtures the whisky of Akkeshi.

Reference: Akkeshi Distillery official website

For more information on the Akkeshi Distillery, please see also here↓.


3. Name and photo of Akkeshi Single Malt Japanese Whisky Hakuro

Akkeshi Single Malt Japanese Whisky Hakuro
Akkeshi Single Malt Japanese Whisky Hakuro

4. Characteristics of Akkeshi Single Malt Japanese Whisky Hakuro

Key malt is » Mizunara oak barrels of All Hokkaido Whisky

It is partially made from Hokkaido barley and aged for more than 3 years in Hokkaido Quercus barrels and other types of barrels. The aroma is characterized by a slightly strong peat aroma with a smoky smell that is different from the peatiness of the previous Akkeshi.
The oriental aroma peculiar to Mizunara oak is gradually coming to the surface. Although the smokiness is emphasized in the aroma, the taste is not so smoky, but rather bitter with a slight sweetness of citrus peel that gradually emerges.

4-1.Tasting Notes

aroma Citrus sweetness, exotic incense aroma
taste Orangette, citrus freshness, bitter and slightly sweet
finish Bitter sweetness and pleasant incense aroma lingers.

4-2.Product Specs

alcohol content  55%
Distinction by alcohol Single Malt Japanese Whisky
Cask type Bourbon casks, sherry casks, wine casks, oak casks, mizunara casks
Content by volume 700ml
Number of bottles sold limited quantity
Suggested retail price 19,800yen((tax included))
Release date Aug 24, 2023

5. Awards

No awards received at this time.

6. Price

6-1. Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price


Product name Akkeshi Single Malt Hakuro 
Capacity 700ml
Suggested Retail Price 19,800 yen(Including tax)

6-2. Resale price on Mercari

We could not confirm that the item is currently listed on Mercari. (*As of  September 1, 2023)

6-3. Sold price on Yahoo! Auctions

We could not confirm that the item is currently listed on Yahoo! Auctions. (*As of September 1, 2023)

6-4. Rakuten, Yahoo Shopping, Amazon

We were also unable to confirm that the item is currently available on each retail site. (*As of September 1, 2023)

6-5. Prices offered at BAR Shinkai


At “BAR Shinkai” operated by this site, we offer it in small quantities such as one glass, 45ml: 5,610 yen 30ml: 3,740 yen, 15ml: 1,870 yen.

«Bar Shinkai» for Japanese whisky in Tokyo.
Japanese Whisky Dictionary operates three BAR Shinkai stores in Minato Ward, Tokyo. In addition to the Japanese whiskies introduced on this site, they also handle domestic gin and more…

7. Summary

The peat in this work has a strong smoky impression, and the finish is slightly different in nuance from the previous Akkeshi peat. This smokiness, which appears after some time, gradually changes to an exotic incense-like aroma.
The flavor slowly changes from citrus sweetness to bitter sweetness, giving a sense of thickness.

The next release will probably be in October/November, around the time of Shousetsu.


Por último: Libros recomendados sobre el whisky japonés

Si quiere aprender más sobre el whisky japonés, que es una tendencia mundial, le recomendamos estos libros.

(1). El whisky japonés como educación para los negocios

Se trata de un libro escrito por Mamoru Tsuchiya, un crítico de whisky de fama mundial y representante del Instituto de Investigación de la Cultura del Whisky, titulado 《 El whisky japonés como cultura para los negocios. 》
El libro abarca los fundamentos del whisky, la introducción del whisky en Japón, el nacimiento del whisky japonés, las estrategias publicitarias y el auge del whisky japonés, y el actual auge de las destilerías artesanales. Se trata de un libro que resume el whisky japonés de forma muy fácil de entender.

(2). El whisky y yo (Masataka Taketsuru)

Masataka Taketsuru, el fundador de Nikka Whisky, dedicó su vida a la elaboración de whisky en Japón. Esta es una versión revisada y reimpresa de la autobiografía de un hombre que simplemente amaba el whisky y hablaba de sí mismo. El libro describe vívidamente los días en que fue a Escocia solo para estudiar de joven y superó muchas dificultades para completar el whisky japonés, así como a su compañera, Rita.

(3). Una carta de desafío de una destilería de nueva generación

Lanzamiento en 2019. En un momento en el que el mundo está viviendo un boom del whisky sin precedentes, ¿en qué pensaban los responsables de las destilerías artesanales y cuáles fueron sus reflexiones cuando asumieron el reto de elaborar whisky? Este libro cuenta las historias de 13 propietarios de destilerías artesanales, incluido Ichiro Akuto, de Venture whisky, famoso por su Ichirose Malt, que inspiró el nacimiento de las destilerías artesanales en Japón.

(4). Whiskey Rising

Esta es la versión japonesa de Whisky Risng, publicada en Estados Unidos en 2016, con un contenido muy actualizado. No solo describe la historia del whisky japonés en detalle, sino que también incluye datos sobre todas las destilerías de Japón, incluidas las destilerías artesanales que se han fundado en los últimos años. El libro también incluye descripciones de las botellas legendarias que han salido al mercado, así como información sobre los bares donde se puede encontrar whisky japonés.

Ryuhei Oishi

Camarero del bar Shinkai Toranomon, nacido en Hokkaido.
Trabajó en un restaurante de Tokio y obtuvo el título de sumiller en la Asociación Japonesa de Sumilleres.
Se interesó por el whisky japonés, del que tenía pocos conocimientos, y empezó a trabajar en el bar Shinkai. Se unió a JWD para visitar destilerías, hablar con la gente que hace el whisky y transmitir su pasión e información como barman.

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